Google Pixel 4 will come with frameless screen design and Stereo speaker

Details of Google’s flagship series Pixel new smartphone have been revealed.

Google’s flagship smartphone series Pixel, which we know with the search engine, has made its minds as the earliest smartphone to Android updates. At the same time, a new member of the Pixel family smartphones using the purest version of the Android operating system, Pixel 4 ‘s details came out with a patent.

The frames of Pixel 4, which will come with a completely frameless display design will be the same as the IPhone Xs or even thinner. The absence of any notch or camera hole on the front of the device leads us to wonder where Google placed the dual selfie camera in the device. When the edges are pretty thin, it is conceivable that Google can use the sled system in Pixel 4.

Google’s new flagship will have two loudspeakers on the front of the device, on top and bottom. In this direction, the speakers are expected to come with a stereo feature. Any information or image about the back part of the device is unfortunately not included in the patent. Google is expected to use end-to-end display technology on subsequent Pixel smartphones.

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